A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android


- Game Board

- 16 Six-sides Dice 

- Two screens

- Two Meeple token


Two players sit facing each other on either side of the game board according to the center dividing line and each takes a Screen, a Meeple, and 8 dice.

[Game Play]

Each round of the game is divided into three phases

- Roll the dice

- Set starting line

- Hit ball

Roll the dice

Each player rolls the dice behind their SCREEN and may choose any number of dice to reroll after each roll, up to a maximum of two rerolls.

Set starting line

Starting with the first player, place the meeple in any square in their half of the field (1-6).

Hit ball

Starting with the first player, player chooses a dice behind their screen and shows it to all players, hits the ball in the corresponding half of the field, and then throws the dice to determine where the ball lands in the opposing player's half of the field. This action alternates until one player is unable to hit the ball with takes the corresponding value of the dice, the player opposite that player gets 1 point and becomes the first player.

When the player wants to hit the ball, the position of his meeple determines the range of the ball that can be hit. The meeple's position and the left and right squares can be hit directly with the corresponding dice, but if the ball is two or more squares away from the player's meeple, the player needs to spend any number of dice to move to the range where the ball can be hit before hitting it.

[Game End]

The game continues until a player on one side scores a total of six points,  that player wins.


John and Lucy start the game, they roll the dice first, John is the first player, he choose to set his meeple on line 2, Lucy then set her meeple at 4.

John started hig the ball, he chose a value-2 dice hit the ball, and then rolled the dice, it is 1, now because Lucy's meeple is at line 4, she has to use any 2 dice to move her meeple at line 2 first then use a value-1 dice hit the ball back to John.


New Tennis Learner Play Tennis_Game Board.pdf 11 kB

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