A downloadable game

Animal Bank

In the game,  players will take on the role of different animal groups in a forest, developing their own group's numbers, storing food, and trading with other groups to survive the cold, harsh winters.


5 Squirrels animal card

5 Duck animal card

5 bird animal Card

20 strobile tokens

20 fish tokens

20 carrion tokens

1 animal bank game board

5 food supply dice ( 1 strobile dice face, 1 fish dice face, 1 carrion dice face, 2 empty dice face, 1 any dice face)

20 trading cards

10 Arrears tokens


a. put animal bank game board in middle

b. put all food tokens and food supply dice on the animal bank board

c. put all trading cards on the right side of the animal bank board, then flip two of them under the animal bank.

d. each player chooses one type of animal, takes one of their type of animal cards, puts the rest on the left side of the animal bank board.

e. squirrel player takes 2 strobile, duck player takes 2 fish, bird player take 2 carrion.

The Game 

The game is played over six rounds, each divided into two phases, the player with the most animals and food after six rounds wins.

Phase 1: Daytime

Each player has 3 action points, each action point can be used to 

1- collect food

2- trading

3- Development Community

Collect Food: Based on how many animal card player has, for each animal card player roll one food supply dice, and get the food on the dice face.

Trading: Players can trade with other players or with animal banks. 

For trading with animal bank, player can choose 1 trading card that is face up or flip 2 trading cards, choose 1 to use, and put the other one under the animal bank face up, now player can trade based on the ratios on trading cards. 

For trading with player, player can freely discuss with other player about the food thay want trade and the ratios they use, each trading action can only make one deal.

Development Community: Player can pay 4 their type of animal's favorite food(strobile for squirrel, fish for duck, carrion for bird )to raise their community, take one animal card that is their type of animal from animal bank.

Phase 2: Night

In night phase, each player need to feed their animal, player need feed 2 standard food for each animal they have, 1 standard food  = 1 animal's favorite food(strobile for squirrel, fish for duck, carrion for bird ) = 2 other food

If player do not have enough food to feed, they will take 1 Arrears tokens from animal bank and get 3 animal's favorite food, player can pay back 5 animal's favorite food to animal bank to return 1 Arrears tokens, at end of game, each Arrears tokens count as -1 animal cards. 

Game End

After 6 rounds, all player count how many animal card they have, who have most animal win the game, if two or more person tie, who have more foods win the game.

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